Development and supply of industrial and power plants and solutions, supply chains and collaborations with maximum economic and environmental efficiency.

ALV-Umwelttechnik GmbH

Passion for creating products, chains and solutions

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from small business to large enterprises.


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with ALV-Umwelttechnik.

Eco-friendly solutions for industry – development and supply of automated control tools, equipment, components and raw materials for the implementation of environmentally friendly production processes, monitoring, remote workplaces and service of business process optimization.

Energy Sector

Supply of equipment for the construction of commercial energy sources. Engineering, supply of equipment for renewable energy sources in accordance with the latest practices for their implementation – electrical solutions, automation, monitoring and forecasting, security, remote workplaces. Fossil fuel energy equipment and solutions with maximum eco-friendliness.

Automotive and Aviation

Supply chains for components, spare parts, assemblies for the automotive sector – from motorcycles to mining equipment, from snowmobiles to air transport.

Electronics and Components

Creating long-term supply chains. You can work on pre-orders for a certain period, or, if the need arises, we will help satisfy the urgent need for components.

Restaurants and Food Industry

Our team’s experience and desire to create new concepts based on proven solutions are the basis and driving force of our comprehensive services in the restaurant and food industry. From idea to design, delivery and launch.

Architectural aSolutions

Absolutely any of your projects can look attractive and modern. Our specialists work both with unified solutions and create buildings and spaces for your projects, inspired by their idea, product and environment. Your business can be unique in every aspect.


Consulting from a team of our specialists is a unifying service. Consulting will connect all your ideas and parts of the project into one coordinated organism that works as efficiently as possible in all aspects – management, finance, technology, ecology. Business planning, technology concepts and projects, product management, etc. – everything will be united within the framework of a common understandable idea, ready for implementation and promotion.

Project Management

There is no need to present this service in all its colors and shades – not a single project is carried out without it. We select the project management team from among our specialists with relevant experience and vision. This way, each team member knows what to do in their place. Working with risks, working through all decisions at the early stages – everything for the success of your projects.

“We combine your ideas and create from them a product that is just right for you, that works the way you want it.”
